The Facts About Tooth Extractions

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Dentists will always encourage you to save your natural tooth whenever possible. To facilitate this, dentistry has provided a variety of dental procedures that help repair and preserve damaged or diseased teeth. However, in some cases the damage suffered is too great and the only option left is to remove the affected tooth. But before you get a tooth extraction, your dentist has to be certain that the benefits are greater than having the problematic tooth intact. if you are scared of the procedure and uncertain of how it benefits your oral health, here are some facts about it that are worth knowing:

It is Not as Painful as You May Imagine

Unlike the primary teeth that are designed to fall out on their own at a certain age, adult teeth are permanent. This makes most people imagine that an extraction procedure involves yanking out the tooth which is then followed by unbearable pain and blood. This is however not the case. The progress made in dentistry have made the process very bearable. At Peak Dental, we use sedation options like local anesthesia and general anesthesia to keep you comfortable and numb as the procedure is performed. You will also be equipped for the aftercare process with painkillers and instructions on how to care for the area until it heals.

Simple vs Surgical Extraction

Teeth are extracted for different reasons and in different conditions. First, your dentist in North Austin will determine why the tooth needs to be extracted and thereafter recommend the best extraction method to use. Teeth are removed by either simple or surgical extraction.

A simple extraction is performed when the tooth is clearly visible above the gumline and is intact. An elevator is used to loosen the tooth and then forceps are used to remove the tooth from the jawbone and gum tissue.

For teeth that are not fully erupted above the gum line, surgical extraction applies. An incision is made on the gums and then the tooth is removed. In some cases, the tooth is broken down to smaller pieces for faster removal. Stitches may be needed afterwards or the wound might be left to close on its own. Surgical extraction is common for wisdom tooth removal or any of the back molars.

Brushing and Flossing is Still Necessary

You may assume that since your wound from an extraction is still healing, oral hygiene can be postponed for a while. This is not true as keeping your mouth clean is still important for maintaining good oral health. However, you need to be extra careful when brushing and flossing, not to disturb the extraction site. Be gentle as you brush so as not to dislodge the clot that has already formed on the empty socket. To ensure that the area stays clean, gently swish some salty water solution in the mouth at least two times a day.

It Takes About Two Weeks to Recover

Usually, you will be discharged after the procedure is complete. But there are a couple of things that you will then have to do to prevent infection, reduce discomfort and speed-up the recovery process. Your dentist will advise you to rest for the first 24 hours while limiting any strenuous activities. Drinking from a straw for the first day or two after the extraction is also discouraged as the suction from sucking may dislodge the clot on the wound. You will also be prescribed some painkillers to help manage any discomfort or pain you experience afterwards. Avoid smoking as it slows down the healing process and stick to a soft diet for a couple of days. To manage swelling or soreness, you can use a cold compress against the extraction site. All these steps will help make the recovery process smooth and in about 2 weeks you will be able to go about your daily life activities.

Tooth extraction could be recommended for many reasons that include stopping an infection from spreading, to remove impacted teeth or to create room for remaining teeth.  Fixing all these problems can do your smile and oral health a lot of good.

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